Launch animated video CropBooster-P

Launch animated video CropBooster-P

The challenge is to double global agricultural productivity by 2050 to feed people and livestock.

Limited conditions being achieving this in a sustainable manner, maintaining nutritional quality, adapting to climate change and to the heterogeneity of agricultural systems.

The solutions being collected in the CropBooster-P roadmap.

Check our animated video for more information. The video is available in four languages. 

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You can also view them by following these links.

1 Comment

Telkom Jakarta
10 June 2023 om 11:23
Wow, the launch of the animated video for CropBooster-P is absolutely fantastic! The video beautifully captures the essence of the project and its innovative approach to crop improvement. The visuals are engaging, the narration is informative, and the overall production quality is top-notch. This video is a brilliant tool to spread awareness about the project and inspire people to support and get involved in this important research endeavor. <a href="

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